UNROCA original report

China 2012

Major conventional arms (Category I-VII) - Exports

Category(I-VII) Final importer state Number of Items State of origin (if not exporter) Intermediate location(s) (if any) Description of Items Comments on the transfer
I. Battle tanks Bangladesh 13
II. Armoured combat vehicles Bangladesh 3
II. Armoured combat vehicles Burundi 15
III. Large calibre artillery systems Congo 70
III. Large calibre artillery systems Pakistan 1 MLRS A100-1A plus 6 mobile launchers
III. Large calibre artillery systems United Arab Emirates 15
IV. (a) Combat aircraft Bangladesh 4
IV. (a) Combat aircraft Myanmar 4
IV. (a) Combat aircraft United Rep. of Tanzania 8
VI. Warships Myanmar 0
VI. Warships Pakistan 1 FAC (M) 500-ton
VII. (a) Missiles and missile launchers Bangladesh 9
VII. (a) Missiles and missile launchers Morocco 3 Launchers

Major conventional arms (Category I-VII) - Imports

Major conventional arms (Category I-VII) - Military holdings

Major conventional arms (Category I-VII) - Procurement through national production

Related policies

Small Arms Exports

Light Weapons Exports

Small Arms Imports

Light Weapons Import

National criterion to determine when a transfer takes effect

No criterion submitted

Source of information


Views on the future operation of the Register

China has always attached great importance to the United Nations. Register of Conventional Arms and actively participated in the work of all the Group of Governmental Experts established for the Register and made important contributions to the establishment and development of the Register. Since 1996, a particular Member State had provided data to the United Nations Register on its arms sale to Taiwan Province of China, which contradicted the spirit of the relevant resolutions of the General Assembly as well as the objectives and principles of the United Nations Register. China was impelled to suspend its submission of data to the Register. In 2006, the problem related to Taiwan in the Register was solved. Since 2007, China has resumed submitting data to the Register annually.