UNROCA original report

China 2016

Major conventional arms (Category I-VII) - Exports

Category(I-VII) Final importer state Number of Items State of origin (if not exporter) Intermediate location(s) (if any) Description of Items Comments on the transfer
II. Armoured combat vehicles Mozambique 12
II. Armoured combat vehicles Nepal 58
II. Armoured combat vehicles Sierra Leone 7
III. Large calibre artillery systems Indonesia 3
III. Large calibre artillery systems Senegal 12
III. Large calibre artillery systems Sierra Leone 10
IV. (a) Combat aircraft Jordan 6 Unmanned combat aerial vehicles
IV. (a) Combat aircraft Zambia 6 Combat aircraft
V. (a) Attack helicopters Kazakhstan 3 Unmanned combat aerial vehicles
VI. Warships Bangladesh 2
VI. Warships Nigeria 1
VII. (a) Missiles and missile launchers Bangladesh 46 40 missiles and 6 missile launchers
VII. (a) Missiles and missile launchers Indonesia 2 Missiles
VII. (b) Man-Portable Air-Defence Systems (MANPADS). Ghana 100 MANPADS
VII. (b) Man-Portable Air-Defence Systems (MANPADS). Pakistan 636

Major conventional arms (Category I-VII) - Imports

Category(I-VII) Exporter state Number of Items State of origin (if not exporter) Intermediate location(s) (if any) Description of Items Comments on the transfer
IV. (a) Combat aircraft Russian Federation 4 Combat aircraft

Major conventional arms (Category I-VII) - Military holdings

Major conventional arms (Category I-VII) - Procurement through national production

Related policies

Small Arms Exports

Light Weapons Exports

Small Arms Imports

Light Weapons Import

National criterion to determine when a transfer takes effect

Source of information


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