UNROCA original report

Czech Rep. 1998

Major conventional arms (Category I-VII) - Exports

Category(I-VII) Final importer state Number of Items State of origin (if not exporter) Intermediate location(s) (if any) Description of Items Comments on the transfer
III. Large calibre artillery systems Peru 6 HowitzerD-30A
III. Large calibre artillery systems Uruguay 6 Howitzer s/p 2S1
III. Large calibre artillery systems Uruguay 1 Rocket launcher RM-70
IV. (a) Combat aircraft Lithuania 2 Advanced jet trainer L-39 ZA

Major conventional arms (Category I-VII) - Imports

Major conventional arms (Category I-VII) - Military holdings

Category(I-VII) Number of Items Description of Items Comments on the transfer
I. Battle tanks 938
II. Armoured combat vehicles 1667
III. Large calibre artillery systems 754
IV. (a) Combat aircraft 114
V. (a) Attack helicopters 34

Major conventional arms (Category I-VII) - Procurement through national production

Related policies

National criterion to determine when a transfer takes effect

Departure of equipment from the exporter's territory

Source of information


Views on the future operation of the Register


Note: Information about small arms and light weapons was not requested before 2006