UNROCA original report

France 2016

Major conventional arms (Category I-VII) - Exports

Category(I-VII) Final importer state Number of Items State of origin (if not exporter) Intermediate location(s) (if any) Description of Items Comments on the transfer
II. Armoured combat vehicles Australia 1 Kerax
II. Armoured combat vehicles Australia 1 Sherpa
II. Armoured combat vehicles Bangladesh 10 Kerax
II. Armoured combat vehicles Egypt 96 Sherpa
II. Armoured combat vehicles Egypt 2 Vab
II. Armoured combat vehicles India 4 Sherpa
II. Armoured combat vehicles Lebanon 4 Vab
II. Armoured combat vehicles Lebanon 9 Sherpa
II. Armoured combat vehicles Qatar 18 Mrap
II. Armoured combat vehicles Qatar 1 Sherpa
II. Armoured combat vehicles Saudi Arabia 30 Aravis
III. Large calibre artillery systems Saudi Arabia 3 Kits Caesar
V. (a) Attack helicopters Albania 2 Cougar AS532
V. (a) Attack helicopters Brazil 9 EC 725
V. (a) Attack helicopters Ecuador 2 Fennec As 550
V. (a) Attack helicopters Greece 3 Nh 90
V. (a) Attack helicopters Indonesia 5 Fennec As 550
V. (a) Attack helicopters Malaysia 5 EC 725
V. (a) Attack helicopters Mexico 2 EC 725
V. (a) Attack helicopters New Zealand 1 NH 90
V. (a) Attack helicopters Pakistan 6 Fennec as 550
V. (a) Attack helicopters Thailand 4 Fennec as 550
V. (a) Attack helicopters United States 7 Gazelle Sa 341
VII. (a) Missiles and missile launchers India 9 Missiles
VII. (a) Missiles and missile launchers Indonesia 5 Missiles
VII. (a) Missiles and missile launchers Indonesia 4 Lanceurs
VII. (a) Missiles and missile launchers Malaysia 3 Missiles
VII. (a) Missiles and missile launchers Oman 14 Missiles
VII. (a) Missiles and missile launchers Qatar 40 Postes de tir
VII. (a) Missiles and missile launchers Saudi Arabia 70 Missiles
VII. (a) Missiles and missile launchers United Arab Emirates 65 Missiles
VII. (b) Man-Portable Air-Defence Systems (MANPADS). Chile 10 Missiles
VII. (b) Man-Portable Air-Defence Systems (MANPADS). Indonesia 14 Missiles
VII. (b) Man-Portable Air-Defence Systems (MANPADS). Qatar 15 Missiles
VII. (b) Man-Portable Air-Defence Systems (MANPADS). Turkmenistan 20 Missiles

Major conventional arms (Category I-VII) - Imports

Major conventional arms (Category I-VII) - Military holdings

Category(I-VII) Number of Items Description of Items Comments on the transfer
I. Battle tanks 799 Leclerc, AMX 10RC, AMX 30
II. Armoured combat vehicles 2758 ERC 90 Sagaie, VBCI, VAB, AMX 10P, VBL 12,7mm, VIB, VBR
III. Large calibre artillery systems 567 Canons 155mm TRFI et AUFI, Caesar, LRM, mortier de 120mm
IV. (a) Combat aircraft 399 Rafale, M 2000, Mirage F1, SEM (super etendard modernize), ATL2
V. (a) Attack helicopters 218 Tigre, Gazelle, Panther, Lynx, Caiman
VI. Warships 50 SNLE batiments de combat et de souverainete

Major conventional arms (Category I-VII) - Procurement through national production

Category(I-VII) Number of Items Description of Items Comments on the transfer
IV. (a) Combat aircraft 9 Rafale
V. (a) Attack helicopters 15 Tigre, Caiman

Related policies

Small Arms Exports

Category Final Importer state Number of Items State of origin (if not exporter) Intermediate location(s) (if any) Description of Items Comments on the transfer
1. Revolvers and self-loading pistols Haiti 20 Pistolet automatique
1. Revolvers and self-loading pistols Morocco 26 Pistolet automatique
1. Revolvers and self-loading pistols Russian Federation 5 Pistolet automatique
2. Rifles and carbines Australia 15 Carabines
2. Rifles and carbines Belgium 2 Fusils
2. Rifles and carbines Brazil 4 Fusils
2. Rifles and carbines Germany 1 Fusil
2. Rifles and carbines Latvia 3 Carabines
2. Rifles and carbines Lithuania 4 Carabines
2. Rifles and carbines Morocco 71 Fusils
2. Rifles and carbines Portugal 10 Carabines
2. Rifles and carbines Russian Federation 20 Carabines
2. Rifles and carbines Russian Federation 1 Fusil
2. Rifles and carbines Saudi Arabia 50 Fusils
2. Rifles and carbines Slovenia 3 Carabines
2. Rifles and carbines Spain 1 Carabine
2. Rifles and carbines Turkmenistan 5 Fusils
2. Rifles and carbines Ukraine 8 Carabines
3. Sub-machine guns Morocco 3 Pistolets mitrailleurs
3. Sub-machine guns Russian Federation 5 Pistolets mitrailleurs
4. Assault rifles Haiti 4 Fusil d'assaut
5. Light machine guns Ecuador 2 Mitraileuses 7,72mm
5. Light machine guns Mexico 2 Mitrailleuses 7,62mm

Light Weapons Exports

Category Final Importer state Number of Items State of origin (if not exporter) Intermediate location(s) (if any) Description of Items Comments on the transfer
1. Heavy machine guns Cameroon 25 Mitrailleuses 12,7mm
1. Heavy machine guns Cameroon 2 Mitrailleuses 12,7mm
1. Heavy machine guns Cameroon 1 Canon bitube 20mm
1. Heavy machine guns Ecuador 3 Mitrailleuses 12,7mm
1. Heavy machine guns Lebanon 2 Systeme armement naval 20mm
1. Heavy machine guns Mali 100 Mitrailleuses 12,7mm
1. Heavy machine guns Mexico 1 Mitrailleuses 12,7mm
5. Portable anti-tank missile launchers and rocket systems Qatar 200

Small Arms Imports

Category Exporter state Number of Items State of origin (if not exporter) Intermediate location(s) (if any) Description of Items Comments on the transfer
1. Revolvers and self-loading pistols Belgium 4 Pistolet automatique
1. Revolvers and self-loading pistols Bulgaria 1 Pistolet automatique
1. Revolvers and self-loading pistols Germany 333 Pistolet automatique
1. Revolvers and self-loading pistols Switzerland 20 Pistolet automatique
1. Revolvers and self-loading pistols Switzerland 1 Revolver
1. Revolvers and self-loading pistols United States 144 Pistolet automatique
2. Rifles and carbines Belgium 5 Carabines
2. Rifles and carbines Belgium 117 Fusils
2. Rifles and carbines Bulgaria 3 Fusils
2. Rifles and carbines Canada 35 Fusils
2. Rifles and carbines Germany 176 Carabines
2. Rifles and carbines Germany 40 Fusils
2. Rifles and carbines India 1 Fusils
2. Rifles and carbines Serbia 100 Fusils
2. Rifles and carbines Switzerland 29 Carabines
2. Rifles and carbines Switzerland 134 Fusils
2. Rifles and carbines Turkey 3 Fusils
2. Rifles and carbines United States 437 Fusils
2. Rifles and carbines United States 944 Carabines
3. Sub-machine guns Belgium 210
3. Sub-machine guns Switzerland 4
3. Sub-machine guns United States 4

Light Weapons Import

Category Exporter state Number of Items State of origin (if not exporter) Intermediate location(s) (if any) Description of Items Comments on the transfer
2. Hand-held under-barrel and mounted grenade launchers Belgium 31
2. Hand-held under-barrel and mounted grenade launchers Canada 11
2. Hand-held under-barrel and mounted grenade launchers Switzerland 3
2. Hand-held under-barrel and mounted grenade launchers United States 10

National criterion to determine when a transfer takes effect

Source of information

Data reflects actual transfers

Views on the future operation of the Register