UNROCA original report

Turkey 2020

Major conventional arms (Category I-VII) - Exports

Category(I-VII) Final importer state Number of Items State of origin (if not exporter) Intermediate location(s) (if any) Description of Items Comments on the transfer
II. Armoured combat vehicles Bahrain 90 WHEELED ARMOURED PERSONNEL CARRIER
II. Armoured combat vehicles Chile 12 WHEELED ARMOURED PERSONNEL CARRIER
II. Armoured combat vehicles Ghana 40 WHEELED ARMOURED PERSONNEL CARRIER
II. Armoured combat vehicles Hungary 10 WHEELED ARMOURED PERSONNEL CARRIER
II. Armoured combat vehicles Oman 23 WHEELED ARMOURED PERSONNEL CARRIER
II. Armoured combat vehicles Qatar 9 WHEELED ARMOURED PERSONNEL CARRIER
II. Armoured combat vehicles Somalia 12 WHEELED ARMOURED PERSONNEL CARRIER
II. Armoured combat vehicles Tunisia 4 WHEELED ARMOURED PERSONNEL CARRIER
II. Armoured combat vehicles United Arab Emirates 79 WHEELED ARMOURED PERSONNEL CARRIER
IV. (a) Combat aircraft Germany 30 SUB ASSEMBLIES OF AIRCRAFTS
IV. (a) Combat aircraft Spain 213 SUB ASSEMBLIES OF AIRCRAFTS
IV. (a) Combat aircraft United Kingdom 9 SUB ASSEMBLIES OF AIRCRAFTS
IV. (a) Combat aircraft United States 1067 SUB ASSEMBLIES OF AIRCRAFTS
V. (a) Attack helicopters Bahrain 69 SUB ASSEMBLIES OF HELICOPTERS
V. (a) Attack helicopters United States 182 SUB ASSEMBLIES OF HELICOPTERS
VII. (a) Missiles and missile launchers Bahrain 216 MISSILES
VII. (a) Missiles and missile launchers Saudi Arabia 2 MISSILES
VII. (a) Missiles and missile launchers Ukraine 80 MISSILES
VII. (a) Missiles and missile launchers Ukraine 100 MISSILES
IV. (b) Unmanned combat aerial vehicles Saudi Arabia 3 UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLES

Major conventional arms (Category I-VII) - Imports

Category(I-VII) Exporter state Number of Items State of origin (if not exporter) Intermediate location(s) (if any) Description of Items Comments on the transfer
I. Battle tanks Australia 1 Italy MK 75 76 mm GUN MOUNT Procured from Australian Military Sales Office

Major conventional arms (Category I-VII) - Military holdings

Major conventional arms (Category I-VII) - Procurement through national production

Related policies

- Export of 298 9mm HANDGUNS to Kosovo could not be reported in the form as the said country is not included in the drop down menu of the list of States. - Export of 6 9mm HANDGUNS to Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus could not be reported in the form as the said country is not included in the drop down menu of the list of States. - Export of 4 45CAL HANDGUNS to Kosovo could not be reported in the form as the said country is not included in the drop down menu of the list of States. - Export of 5 SPORTIVE HUNTING RIFLE to Hong Kong could not be reported in the form as the said country is not included in the drop down menu of the list of States. - Export of 76 BOLT ACTION RIFLE to Kosovo could not be reported in the form as the said country is not included in the drop down menu of the list of States - Export of 10 SUB MACHINE GUN to Hong Kong could not be reported in the form as the said country is not included in the drop down menu of the list of States. - Export of 2 SUB MACHINE GUN to Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus could not be reported in the form as the said country is not included in the drop down menu of the list of States. - Export of 196 SEMI AUTOMATIC PISTOL to Kosovo could not be reported in the form as the said country is not included in the drop down menu of the list of States - Export of 25 SEMI AUTOMATIC PISTOL to Macedonia could not be reported in the form as the said country is not included in the drop down menu of the list of States - Export of 139 SMALL AND LIGHT WEAPON to Kosovo could not be reported in the form as the said country is not included in the drop down menu of the list of States

Small Arms Exports

Category Final Importer state Number of Items State of origin (if not exporter) Intermediate location(s) (if any) Description of Items Comments on the transfer
1. Revolvers and self-loading pistols Australia 5 9 mm HANDGUNS
1. Revolvers and self-loading pistols Azerbaijan 3503 9 mm HANDGUNS
1. Revolvers and self-loading pistols Bahrain 1 9 mm HANDGUNS
1. Revolvers and self-loading pistols Bangladesh 1576 9 mm HANDGUNS
1. Revolvers and self-loading pistols Bangladesh 76 7,62 mm WEAPON
1. Revolvers and self-loading pistols Burkina Faso 1150 7,62 mm WEAPON
1. Revolvers and self-loading pistols Canada 860 9 mm HANDGUNS
1. Revolvers and self-loading pistols Costa Rica 179 9 mm HANDGUNS
1. Revolvers and self-loading pistols Côte d'Ivoire 230 GAS LAUNCHER
1. Revolvers and self-loading pistols France 816 9 mm HANDGUNS
1. Revolvers and self-loading pistols Georgia 36 9 mm HANDGUNS
1. Revolvers and self-loading pistols Georgia 16 45 CAL HANDGUNS
1. Revolvers and self-loading pistols Germany 685 9 mm HANDGUNS
1. Revolvers and self-loading pistols Guatemala 1000 9 mm HANDGUNS
1. Revolvers and self-loading pistols Indonesia 528 9 mm HANDGUNS
1. Revolvers and self-loading pistols Malaysia 6 9 mm HANDGUNS
1. Revolvers and self-loading pistols Mali 10 9 mm HANDGUNS
1. Revolvers and self-loading pistols Malta 33 9 mm HANDGUNS
1. Revolvers and self-loading pistols Mauritania 1 9 mm HANDGUNS
1. Revolvers and self-loading pistols Mozambique 30 7,62 mm WEAPON
1. Revolvers and self-loading pistols Niger 180 7,62 mm WEAPON
1. Revolvers and self-loading pistols Pakistan 1989 9 mm HANDGUNS
1. Revolvers and self-loading pistols Philippines 60 9 mm HANDGUNS
1. Revolvers and self-loading pistols Somalia 430 9 mm HANDGUNS
1. Revolvers and self-loading pistols South Africa 755 9 mm HANDGUNS
1. Revolvers and self-loading pistols Sudan 4340 9 mm HANDGUNS
1. Revolvers and self-loading pistols Thailand 119 9 mm HANDGUNS
1. Revolvers and self-loading pistols Thailand 20 45 CAL HANDGUNS
1. Revolvers and self-loading pistols Uganda 50 9 mm HANDGUNS
1. Revolvers and self-loading pistols Ukraine 8 9 mm HANDGUNS
1. Revolvers and self-loading pistols United Arab Emirates 12 9 mm HANDGUNS
1. Revolvers and self-loading pistols Uruguay 79 9 mm HANDGUNS
1. Revolvers and self-loading pistols United States 228174 9 mm HANDGUNS
2. Rifles and carbines Australia 400 BOLT ACTION RIFLE
2. Rifles and carbines Belarus 65 BOLT ACTION RIFLE
2. Rifles and carbines Belgium 35 BOLT ACTION RIFLE
2. Rifles and carbines Belgium 18 BOLT ACTION RIFLE
2. Rifles and carbines Bosnia and Herzegovina 3 NATIONAL INFANTRY RIFLE
2. Rifles and carbines Bosnia and Herzegovina 1 SNIPER RIFLE
2. Rifles and carbines Bulgaria 55 SEMI AUTOMATIC SHOTGUN
2. Rifles and carbines Bulgaria 95 BOLT ACTION RIFLE
2. Rifles and carbines Bulgaria 35 BOLT ACTION RIFLE
2. Rifles and carbines Canada 130 BOLT ACTION RIFLE
2. Rifles and carbines Denmark 100 BOLT ACTION RIFLE
2. Rifles and carbines France 80 SNIPER RIFLE
2. Rifles and carbines France 195 BOLT ACTION RIFLE
2. Rifles and carbines Germany 335 SEMI AUTOMATIC RIFLE
2. Rifles and carbines Germany 1 SNIPER RIFLE
2. Rifles and carbines Germany 365 SPORTIVE HUNTING RIFLE
2. Rifles and carbines Germany 635 BOLT ACTION RIFLE
2. Rifles and carbines Jordan 1 BOLT ACTION RIFLE
2. Rifles and carbines Kazakhstan 60 BOLT ACTION RIFLE
2. Rifles and carbines Netherlands 23 BOLT ACTION RIFLE
2. Rifles and carbines Oman 1 SNIPER RIFLE
2. Rifles and carbines Peru 115 BOLT ACTION RIFLE
2. Rifles and carbines Poland 140 BOLT ACTION RIFLE
2. Rifles and carbines Portugal 10 BOLT ACTION RIFLE
2. Rifles and carbines Russian Federation 32 SNIPER RIFLE
2. Rifles and carbines Russian Federation 1511 BOLT ACTION RIFLE
2. Rifles and carbines Somalia 513 INFANTRY RIFLE
2. Rifles and carbines Somalia 3 SNIPER RIFLE
2. Rifles and carbines Thailand 20 BOLT ACTION RIFLE
2. Rifles and carbines Ukraine 750 BOLT ACTION RIFLE
2. Rifles and carbines United Kingdom 2 INFANTRY RIFLE
2. Rifles and carbines United States 400 SEMI AUTOMATIC RIFLE
2. Rifles and carbines United States 2 SNIPER RIFLE
2. Rifles and carbines United States 900 BOLT ACTION RIFLE
3. Sub-machine guns Azerbaijan 1 ANTI AIRCRAFT MACHINE GUN
3. Sub-machine guns Azerbaijan 1 MACHINE GUN
3. Sub-machine guns Bangladesh 46 SUB MACHINE GUN
3. Sub-machine guns Bosnia and Herzegovina 10 SUB MACHINE GUN
3. Sub-machine guns Italy 2 ANTI AIRCRAFT MACHINE GUN
3. Sub-machine guns Morocco 40 SUB MACHINE GUN
3. Sub-machine guns Nigeria 35 40mm AUTOMATIC GRENADE LAUNCHER
3. Sub-machine guns Oman 1 SUB MACHINE GUN
3. Sub-machine guns Somalia 6 ANTI AIRCRAFT MACHINE GUN
3. Sub-machine guns Somalia 34 MACHINE GUN
3. Sub-machine guns United Kingdom 35 SUB MACHINE GUN
4. Assault rifles Bosnia and Herzegovina 3 ASSAULT RIFLE
4. Assault rifles Brazil 199 ASSAULT RIFLE
5. Light machine guns Argentina 65 SEMI AUTOMATIC PISTOL
5. Light machine guns Bahrain 1 GUN SYSTEM
5. Light machine guns Brazil 244 SMALL AND LIGHT WEAPON
5. Light machine guns Canada 300 SEMI AUTOMATIC PISTOL
5. Light machine guns Canada 1520 SMALL AND LIGHT WEAPON
5. Light machine guns Chile 100 SMALL AND LIGHT WEAPON
5. Light machine guns France 90 SEMI AUTOMATIC PISTOL
5. Light machine guns France 100 SMALL AND LIGHT WEAPON
5. Light machine guns Georgia 100 SEMI AUTOMATIC PISTOL
5. Light machine guns Guatemala 125 SEMI AUTOMATIC PISTOL
5. Light machine guns Haiti 209 SEMI AUTOMATIC PISTOL
5. Light machine guns Honduras 1066 SMALL AND LIGHT WEAPON
5. Light machine guns Italy 500 SEMI AUTOMATIC PISTOL
5. Light machine guns Jordan 2 GUN SYSTEM
5. Light machine guns Kazakhstan 30 TURRET
5. Light machine guns Lithuania 2 SMALL AND LIGHT WEAPON
5. Light machine guns Madagascar 75 SMALL AND LIGHT WEAPON
5. Light machine guns Malawi 50 SEMI AUTOMATIC PISTOL
5. Light machine guns Malaysia 1 GUN SYSTEM
5. Light machine guns Malta 30 SMALL AND LIGHT WEAPON
5. Light machine guns Pakistan 10500 SEMI AUTOMATIC PISTOL
5. Light machine guns Pakistan 31 SMALL AND LIGHT WEAPON
5. Light machine guns Pakistan 3 GUN SYSTEM
5. Light machine guns Peru 608 SEMI AUTOMATIC PISTOL
5. Light machine guns Philippines 49 SEMI AUTOMATIC PISTOL
5. Light machine guns Poland 10 SEMI AUTOMATIC PISTOL
5. Light machine guns Portugal 10 SEMI AUTOMATIC PISTOL
5. Light machine guns Senegal 200 SMALL AND LIGHT WEAPON
5. Light machine guns South Africa 550 SEMI AUTOMATIC PISTOL
5. Light machine guns South Africa 2251 SMALL AND LIGHT WEAPON
5. Light machine guns Sri Lanka 1 SMALL AND LIGHT WEAPON
5. Light machine guns Sweden 2 SEMI AUTOMATIC PISTOL
5. Light machine guns Thailand 377 SEMI AUTOMATIC PISTOL
5. Light machine guns Ukraine 60 SEMI AUTOMATIC PISTOL
5. Light machine guns United States 106544 SEMI AUTOMATIC PISTOL
5. Light machine guns United States 34801 SMALL AND LIGHT WEAPON
5. Light machine guns Uzbekistan 10 SEMI AUTOMATIC PISTOL
5. Light machine guns Zambia 70 SMALL AND LIGHT WEAPON

Light Weapons Exports

Category Final Importer state Number of Items State of origin (if not exporter) Intermediate location(s) (if any) Description of Items Comments on the transfer
5. Portable anti-tank missile launchers and rocket systems Somalia 216 66 mm M72 LIGHT ANTI TANK WEAPON SYSTEM

Small Arms Imports

Category Exporter state Number of Items State of origin (if not exporter) Intermediate location(s) (if any) Description of Items Comments on the transfer
1. Revolvers and self-loading pistols Croatia 8 9 mm PISTOL
1. Revolvers and self-loading pistols Croatia 290 HS PRODUCT PISTOLS
1. Revolvers and self-loading pistols Czech Rep. 290 CZ CEZKA PISTOLS
1. Revolvers and self-loading pistols United States 330 TAURUS ARMAS PISTOLS
1. Revolvers and self-loading pistols United States 1450 GLOCK PISTOLS
2. Rifles and carbines Brazil 60 PUMA ROSSI RIFLES
2. Rifles and carbines United States 50 7.62 mm FN 240 AUTOMATIC RIFLE
2. Rifles and carbines United States 11 7.62 mm FN MAG AUTOMATIC RIFLE
3. Sub-machine guns United States 40 12.7 mm ANTI AIRCRAFT
5. Light machine guns United States 260

United States

5. Light machine guns United States 7 7.62X51 mm M134 MACHINE GUN
5. Light machine guns United States 67 7.62 mm FN MAG MACHINE GUN

Light Weapons Import

Category Exporter state Number of Items State of origin (if not exporter) Intermediate location(s) (if any) Description of Items Comments on the transfer
2. Hand-held under-barrel and mounted grenade launchers United States 705

United States

5. Portable anti-tank missile launchers and rocket systems China 2358 40/106 mm RGP-7 PORTABLE ANTI-TANK MISSILE AMMUNATION

National criterion to determine when a transfer takes effect

Source of information


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